Tuesday 28 February 2012


Dear <Prospect>,


Still waiting for that big break in your writing career? Lots of great writers need to be patient. It takes time to get just the right material in front of just the right agent or publisher. In the meantime, though, you need to keep moving forward. You need to keep writing and keep earning. You need to make sure your skills stay up to scratch, but you also need to be able to support yourself. And one way to make some quick, extra money is by writing for contests! And the beauty of it is, it only takes a few minutes of your time, but the rewards can be significant. Just scribble down a slogan or two, pen a few poems or come up with a tongue-twisting tie-breaker. These "little ditties" are exactly the kinds of things that consumer-related organizations are after. They're constantly on the lookout for new ways to promote their products. They run contests, sweepstakes and competitions to try and promote their goods... ... giving talented writers the chance to earn some extra cash! And it's not just money, either. Some of these contests donate prizes in the form of holidays, cars, electronic goods, and so on. If you know what you're doing, you can CLEAN UP! That's why I'm delighted to recommend Nick Daws' How to Win Contests. It includes EVERYTHING you need to know to enter and WIN contests, just by putting your existing skills to use. It's fast, it's easy, and it's potentially VERY profitable. So why not give it a try? At least until your novel becomes a best-seller :) Visit the official site for more information at: http://www.howtowincontests.com/?afl=73291 Book Proposal Secrets ... Get a publishing contract AND get paid, before you write a word! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.bookproposalsecrets.com/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.bookproposalsecrets.com/write/joined.aspx?afl=73291


*Story Writing & much more.- http://www.writestreet.com/?afl=73291


  1. *Exercises for Story Writers.Furthermore;Full details: http://www.bookproposalsecrets.com/write/joined.aspx?afl=73291

    * The Best-Seller Secret ... Turn your book into a #1 Amazon best-seller, with this little-known system!

    Introduction to Creative Writing: Some people find writing stories incredably difficult.They say they can’t think of anything interesting to write about.

    Firstly,don’t panic, writing stories means using the same techniques you need for writing about your experiences. Chose a plot, think about how long your piece needs to be, and how much time youve got to write it.
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    Stories use descriptive writing and dialogue too.However,in a story you don’t have to write about something that really happened.The secret here is to find a good plot. Allso, plan the end of your story before you start writing. This outline plan will help you decide whith information is relivant or irrelivant for your descriptions and dialogue.

    Finding a Plot and using it to Write is important because your plot is the basic outline of what happens in your story. Once you decide on the plot and characters, this will help you decide how long the story is going to be before you start. Don’t worry about being original, there’s no such thing as an original story. Take the outline plot and then write your own story, in your own style.Don’t get sidetracked and forget your plot.

  3. Nick Daws Course ... Classic ground-breaking course shows how to write any book in under a month ... Your affiliate link: http://www.writequickly.com/?afl=73291

    Furthermore, here are several important points to concider.Writing a good story takes just as much effort and practice as writing good essays. Secondly,you need to chose a voice for your narrator.i.e. someone to tell the tale.

    Essential English for Authors ... Get your work published, by correcting these common English errors! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.essentialenglish.ws/?afl=73291

    Again,you need to decide if the narrator is a characrer in the story.If so, then write as if you are that character. We call this the first person narrative, using “I” and “we”. A first person narrative is like writing from personal experiance.You will need to give your opinion and say how you feel at that time. Remember to tie up the whole plot at the end.

  4. How to Write a Children's Book ... Uncover how to write a children's classic - in 14 days, or less! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.write-a-childrens-book.com/?afl=73291

    Alternatively, you can use a third person narrative. This means describing the characers as “he” and “they”. Again, you will need to write about how they feel and what they think.Stay in the same narative and voice once you have chosen,don’t change half way through your story.

  5. Write your next Hollywood blockbuster in one month - or less! ...
    Your link: http://www.movieinamonth.com/?afl=73291

    Moreover, it is important to grip your reader early on in your story. The best stories start in the middle of the action. You need to be direct_you can use diologue to do this: “Don’t jump!” shouted the soldier. However, don’t start the same way every time.The tone and style of your story are fixed by your first sentance.

  6. The Wealthy Writer ... Discover how to make $100k+ a year - writing for the Internet! ... Your link: http://www.wealthywriter.ws/?afl=73291

    Still waiting for that big break in your writing career? Lots of great writers need to be patient. It takes time to get just the right material in front of just the right agent or publisher. In the meantime, though, you need to keep moving forward.

  7. The Self-Suggestion Kit
    ... Tap into the power of repetition - and change your world!
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    You need to keep writing and keep earning. You need to make sure your skills stay up to scratch, but you also need to be able to support yourself. And one way to make some quick, extra money is by writing for contests! And the beauty of it is, it only takes a few minutes of your time, but the rewards can be significant.

  8. The Ultimate Copywriter ... Discover how to get paid $10,000 - for writing one simple letter! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.mycopywritingcareer.com/?afl=73291

    Just scribble down a slogan or two, pen a few poems or come up with a tongue-twisting tie-breaker. These "little ditties" are exactly the kinds of things that consumer-related organizations are after. They're constantly on the lookout for new ways to promote their products.

  9. Writer's Block CD ... Experience creativity on demand, and eliminate Writer's Block for good!
    ... Full details: http://www.writers-block-cd.com/writers-block/joined.aspx?afl=73291

    They run contests, sweepstakes and competitions to try and promote their goods... ... giving talented writers the chance to earn some extra cash! And it's not just money, either. Some of these contests donate prizes in the form of holidays, cars, electronic goods, and so on. If you know what you're doing, you can CLEAN UP!

    Quick Cash Writing Course ... Turn your writing skills into quick cash, with this brand new course ... Your affiliate link: http://www.quickcashwriting.com/?afl=73291

    That's why I'm delighted to recommend Nick Daws' How to Win Contests. It includes EVERYTHING you need to know to enter and WIN contests, just by putting your existing skills to use. It's fast, it's easy, and it's potentially VERY profitable. So why not give it a try? At least until your novel becomes a best-seller :)

  10. Visit the official site for more information at: http://www.howtowincontests.com/?afl=73291 Order your copy this month and get it for : Just $26.00 (£15.00 )! Click on the special discount link below to grab yours right now: The 10-Day E-Book ... Write and publish your first e-book - in just 10 days, or less! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.10dayebook.com/?afl=73291

    Thanks for reading & see you next time --

  11. The Beautiful Game.

    When it really comes down to it, winning games is the only way to keep team morale high, and making more goals is important to winning those games. How can you make sure your team scores more goals?Paul@AMPS- paul70.webs.com

    Dear Soccer Players,To help you play the beautiful game to the best of your ability,please read the following steps:

    1. Deal with any attitude problems. Many soccer players, especially the younger ones, won't try to score even when the opportunity presents. This is due to a simple attitude problem "they are terrified of missing"! The way to deal with this is to praise every shot, regardless of the outcome. Emphasize that trying is what's most important, because no one makes a goal without trying. Also, do not allow other members of the team to complain when a teammate misses a shot. Tell them it's better to miss than never have tried, and institute a policy of telling players "Nice try!" after any attempt.

    2. Deal with confidence issues. Many players are not confident in their ability to shoot and make the goal, so they avoid it at every cost. This must be nipped in the bud, and the best to do that is by regular practice. Teach them to handle the ball skillfully and accurately, and they'll be more likely to use their skills on the field.

    3. Teach them to look for and exploit openings in the opposing defense. Is there a 'hole' that the goal keeper can't reach in time? If so, the time to move is now! Using good technique-head down, eyes, on the ball-the player should kick the ball and hopefully score. If they make the goal, they are that much more likely to try again next time.

    4. Teach them to shoot in a way that increases their chances of success. This means kicking the ball to the goal in a way the goalie doesn't expect. Try kicking the ball lower or farther to one side, or even directly at the goal keeper. When a ball is low and wide, the goal keeper may end up wrong footed, giving your team one more score.

    5. Practice making goals until it is second nature. In order for this to work, the goal should be the same size as the goals they will encounter in practice and have a realistic number of defenders as well as a goalie. When kids get used to approaching this rather intimidating set up and succeeding, they will be able to do the same in actual game play.


  12. Dear ,

    The publishing process is a NIGHTMARE.

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    But it doesn't have to be that way.

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