Wednesday 14 March 2012

Where Do You Start Building Your Own Successful Online Business?
HELP FUND RAISING ORGANIZATIONS-- There are hundreds of thousands of Wonderful organizations that are always in need of finding new sources of revenues to continue and expand their many good works.  With this program, you can help them, and help your self by doing so.  Our program is so much better than the normal cookie and candy sales.  How does it work?
  We have created a special program that allows the church, boy scouts, PTA, etc to simply send an email to their members, letting them know that their gift giving can now help the organization.  The members, make purchases, using the Organization's ASN ID, and the organization is paid monthly 20% of all purchases.  They do absolutely nothing other than inform their membership of the program. We do EVERYTHING ELSE!  We fill the orders and have them delivered right to the customer's door step!
  And because the Fund Raiser is effectively in your first level-- you earn 10% of all the Commissionable Business Volume (CBV), Generated by all of their member's orders.
  You can provide an incredible amount of assistance to these organizations-- and the money that you can earn is huge.  Imagine the income you would generate if you help 100 fund raisers, each with 500 or more members!
Sample ad-- Let us help your fine organization in it's fund raising needs.  We've created a unique program specifically tailored to the needs of the modern day Fund Raiser. (whether church, school, PTA, etc... they are all-- always in search of new revenue, and you can provide it).  Visit us to see how we can be of assistance.

Following is a Letter From a New Member and How They are Planning to Use this Great Progam
If you haven't done so yet, see how you can earn Thousands by helping Charities. Go to...

THIS HAS HUGE POTENTIAL-- Following is a letter from a new member, and how she is going to use this program.  My responses are in yellow...
I like the idea of helping organizations. I am planning on eventually forming a non-profit to help those in need so ASN would be something that I could use.
What I love about the program is that is something that these organizations need.  You help them and it helps you!

I can email my website URL to my church but I don't know if they would be interested.  Do you have any idea what I could tell them about it so that maybe they would be interested in it???   
Not all will be interested, but this, like everything else, is a numbers game.  Just send out enough emails to various churches and other fund raising organizations and many will be very excited to participate.  I would send an email something like, 

Subject Line
I’d like to help you with your fund raising efforts or Can I help you with your Fund Raising Efforts?

I’d like to introduce you to a program that was designed specifically to help Charitable Groups like yours continue, and even expand their fine works.  If increasing your organization’s revenues would be helpful, please click on the link below.  If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call at *** *** ****.


Your Name

How to find churches that might need your help-- 
I just went to and typed in “churches in sacramento” scores of them came up.  You can do the same for your area, or all over the nation.  Just find a contact within the churches website… I would send one to the main email contact and one to the pastor.  Then just see what happens.

If they could get the people in their church involved  in this especially around Christmas they could really bring in some money for their church and also it would help me as well.

Yes it would… I can tell you are a true entrepreneur at heart!

Remember, the churches earn 20% of every purchase made- no need for cookie sales, no danger in having kids go out at night trying to sell to the public.  With this system... The fund raiser sends an email to their organization and they're done.  We fill, track, and deliver all orders right to the door step of the members-- and then send the fund raising organization their check.  It couldn't be easier.

What do you, as an ASN member earn?  For just introducing them to the program, you earn 10% of the CBV that is generated by that organization.  And if the fundraiser decides to introduce it to other organizations (which they will), they earn 10% of that organizations CBV and you earn 5% of their CBV!  All for just sending an email trying to help a charity!




    ⦁ There are a lot of offers below.
    Check it out for yourself at

