Tuesday 28 February 2012

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GO GREEN: GO GREEN: DRIVING SAFELY.The UK driving school mar...: GO GREEN: DRIVING SAFELY. The UK driving school market has s... : DRIVING SAFELY. The UK driving school market has some surprising similari...

Watch The Ball! Then follow my five star ***** programme.

Mission: Your mission is to identify Transferable Skills in Spots & Transfer them to your Business.

Task: identify appropreate Skills & Factors to further Develop your Business.
For example: Moral is a critical factor in both Sport & Business. As is the skill of good Communication.

Furthermore, team Building is a vital Management Factor & a Leadership Skill.Self-Development - http://www.selfhelpstreet.com/?afl=73291

This phrase is often repeated in nearly every sport – keep your eye on the ball. It applies to golf too! If you do not watch the ball, then the chance that you will hit it is very slim!

Keep your eyes focused on one part of the ball. Don’t watch your club as you swing.

Keep your focus on the ball and let everything else fade into the background.

Try to look down on the ball, rather than watching it at the end of the golf club. Raising your shoulders is not going to help you see the ball more clearly. If you will look down on the ball, you will get results that are more successful and you will not have a tendency to look up before the end of your swing.

Unfortunately, it is completely natural to look away when you begin to pull the club back. Ignore the natural feeling and keep your eyes on the ball.

When you are looking down at the ball, you should notice that the only way you can keep the club head in the correct line of flight is to keep your hands moving parallel to the flight line. Keep your hands in line with the club head when making contact with the ball.

It is very important to learn to watch the ball no matter what kind of shot you need to make. It does not matter if the ball is in the long grass, the sand trap, on a slope, or anywhere else, the main thing is to see the ball completely so that you can hit it solidly and successfully.

There are not many golfers who stand still and keep their attention on the ball. Many times, people will look at where they want the ball to go and then look at the ball. Most golfers would be surprised to learn that they do not stand still and watch the ball. The instant that you take your eye off the ball, you begin having problems.

Most golf mistakes are a result of a loss of concentration. It you keep your focus on the ball, you will be able to hit the ball well.

To help your golf game, remind yourself to keep your eye on the ball for the entire swing. You will find your golf game improving so much that your friends may be asking you for advice!
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Our Top Ten Tips for Developing Your Business
Written by Art Phelps
Thursday, 10 March 2011 00:44 - Last Updated Friday, 18 March 2011 09:07
Here are the most important Tips that we can offer you! Follow Them and Your Success is Guaranteed!

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Tip # 1. Here is the most important thing... Treat Your Business like a Business.
Don't treat it like a hobby or a play thing! Take it seriously! The income you can earn is very
serious. The changes you can make for your family are serious changes. You can become debt free! You can pay off your mortgage! You can provide the very best for your loved ones. You
can build a legacy for your family And in order to do all that, you need to be passionate about YOUR business.*****Relaxation CDs ... Chill out to the sounds of nature, guided relaxation CDs, brainwave CDs, and more! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.relaxation-cds.com/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.relaxation-cds.com/nature/joined.aspx?afl=73291 Subliminal Power Software
Walt Disney built a empire and had fun doing it. He worked his dream and would not be deterred!

Tip # 2. Stay focused.
Even your sponsor may be all over the place. Flying into one opportunity after another, back and forth always looking for the pot of gold over the rainbow. Never staying in one place long
enough to gain success. Most people in networking do this, they keep jumping from company to company hoping to hit it big somewhere. Of course they never do. They just spend hundreds,
even thousands starting a business and never follow through!

*****The Speed Reading Secret ... Triple your reading speed in under 1 hour - or claim $100 in gifts! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.speedreadingsecret.com/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.speedreadingsecret.com/speedreading/joined.aspx?afl=73291 Stay focused! The grass is always greener somewhere else, especially in the beginning!
After 20 years of networking and our years and years of research we have determined that the
"grass is greener" right here! Stick around for awhile and you will see why. Make a pledge to yourself that you have found a home! That this is the last network you'll ever build!*****The Master Blueprints ... Uncover the real power behind 'Think & Grow Rich' ... Your affiliate link: http://www.master-blueprints.com/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.master-blueprints.com/rich/joined.aspx?afl=73291
The Big Earners stay with One Company! Learn from their example!

Tip # 3. Make a commitment to invest in YOUR Business.
Invest your Time. Invest your Energy. Invest your Money and Resources! And Continue To Do
So! Understand this is just like any other business you would start. The rewards can be so
much greater than anything else you could do. You need to water a garden to help it grow.*****The Ultimate NLP Course ... Learn the 8 most powerful NLP techniques - in just 2 hours! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.ultimatenlp.com/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.ultimatenlp.com/course/joined.aspx?afl=73291 You need to advertise your business to help it grow! You can do it through word of mouth or advertising, social networking, business cards, leads etc.

See Our Top Ten Tips for Developing Your Business*****The NLP Secret ... Enjoy confidence & cure anything, with this long-lost NLP secret! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.nlpsecret.com/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.nlpsecret.com/nlp/joined.aspx?afl=73291
Commit, so that you will continue to invest in your business!

Tip # 4. There is Always a Way!
Whatever your situation, you can do this! Find a way! There is always a way!*****Brain Power Pro ... Reprogram your inner thoughts using this subliminal software! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.brainpowerpro.com/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.brainpowerpro.com/brainpower/joined.aspx?afl=73291 My brother and I were BROKE, and I mean BROKE when we started. We found a way to borrow the funds to do what we needed to do.

Let's face it if you are an adult (and I assume you are) and you don't have the money to grow your business, you need some major changes in your life.*****Plus Kits ... Ultimate self-development CDs, combining NLP, hypnosis and brainwaves! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.pluskits.com/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.pluskits.com/improve/joined.aspx?afl=73291
Because what you have been doing has left you in a position that you don't have a few bucks to launch YOUR business. STOP what you are doing! It is not working!*****Sleep Programming ... Reprogram your mind while you sleep, with these CDs! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.sleepprogramming.com/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.sleepprogramming.com/sleepprogramming/joined.aspx?afl=73291
Anything you have ever really wanted in your life, if you really wanted it and worked to get it, I'll bet you got it! You CAN find a way to make this happen!

Tip # 5. The Heavy chains of worry are heaviest in idle moments . . . get busy!
For things to get better you need to get better. For things to change you need to change.
Emulate a leader: Think of someone successful, ask yourself, "What would he or she do? Well
why don't I just do that?" And then just do it!*****The Belief Secret ... Uncover the real secret behind "The Secret" - with Claude Bristol ... Your affiliate link: http://www.beliefsecret.com/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.beliefsecret.com/belief/joined.aspx?afl=73291
Continue to believe in yourself, you can do this!

Tip # 6. Don't look upline . . . look in the mirror.
It is not the company, the system or the upline. It is working for thousands of others, ask yourself, "What else can I be doing?" Read motivating books! Be on all the conference and
training calls.*****The Ultimate Self-Talk Series ... Change your inner programming, with these powerful Self-Talk CDs! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.selftalk.ws/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.selftalk.ws/selftalk/joined.aspx?afl=73291
Commit to work on yourself, get better and better!

Tip # 7. Get in the game!
Upgrade to a higher level. Always look to move up. Be a LEADER! Review Your websites.Give yourself some positive affermations,put can do statements in your head!*****Self-Suggestion Kit ... Tap into the power of repetition - and change your world! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.self-suggestion.com/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.self-suggestion.com/suggestion/joined.aspx?afl=73291
Listen to Your Conference Calls. Keep plugging in, 2-3 times a week, it will recharge your batteries. Listen and learn, the more you learn, the more you will earn.
Determine to be a LEADER!

Tip # 8. Take ALL OUT MASSIVE ACTION for the next 30 . . . 60 . . . 90 days!***** Genius Mindset Kit ... Unlock your inner Einstein, with this cheat's guide to genius! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.geniusmindset.com/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.geniusmindset.com/genius/joined.aspx?afl=73291
You are having a GRAND OPENING for your business. Have EVERYONE come and look! You want hundreds of people to visit your site in your first couple of weeks in business. Commit to do what ever it takes to make this happen! All Out Massive Action! Let the WORLD know you have a business opportunity for them to look at. Leverage the Power of the Internet to Grow your Business!
Put the blinders on for 90 days and take ALL OUT MASSIVE ACTION! 90 Days Minimum!

Tip # 9. Listen to your upline. They want you to succeed.
Duplicate success! Follow the Leader! In the same vain DO NOT listen to NEGATIVE people,they will try and suck the life out of you. Hang around with successful people and you become
successful, hang out with losers and you'll be a loser too.
*****The Power of Breathing ... Breathe correctly and become happier, more focused & stress-free! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.powerofbreathing.com/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.powerofbreathing.com/breathing/joined.aspx?afl=73291
Make the commitment to listen to positive people and avoid negative influences.

Tip # 10. Do the Basics over and over.
Expose Your Business! Drive traffic to your site.
Personally follow up with people who join as affiliates.
Introduce prospects and new members to your upline (3-way call).
Make sure your new members are duplicating the System.
Commit to yourself that...You will learn...You will work the system.*****Brain Bullet ... New software reprograms your mind with positive, powerful commands! ... Your affiliate link: http://www.brainbullet.com/?afl=73291 ... Full affiliate details: http://www.brainbullet.com/brainbullet/joined.aspx?afl=73291

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Subject: Are you on Facebook? Because....Training & Development is*****Self-Development - http://www.selfhelpstreet.com/?afl=73291
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To Your Success,
Paul Thompson
Training & development.
Self-Development - http://www.selfhelpstreet.com/?afl=73291

Ref :Our Top Ten Tips for Developing Your Business
Written by Art Phelps

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