Tuesday 13 December 2022

Training and Development, NLP Principles

Newsletter continues, Thought that the group would like this. https://www.beautynailhairsalons.com/XX/Unknown/1074887432630770/Raining-DATES ● NLP 3. There is no failure, only feedback/Outcomes. πŸ’―% Fast Track Business Development • Business minded? • A quick study? • Get the best results from your business, with the least effort πŸ‘Œ https://779b7anjy-0kz2ekvfhw2lk8hk.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=BROKER πŸ‘Œ #health , #learning , #opportunities. Glowing Star emoji 🌟 The five-pointed Glowing Star emoji πŸŒŸ takes on a special meaning during the Christmas season. Year-round, this emoji usually indicates praise, positivity, and even literal stars. Since 2015, the Glowing Star emoji 🌟 has also been used on Snapchat to designate favorite content. But, during Christmastime, the star becomes something more. It can be used as a symbol for the star at the top of a tree, to signify religious worship, and even as a symbol for the Star of Bethlehem. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Glowing Star emoji 🌟 The five-pointed Glowing Star emoji πŸŒŸ takes on a special meaning during the Christmas season. Year-round, this emoji usually indicates praise, positivity, and even literal stars. Since 2015, the Glowing Star emoji 🌟 has also been used on Snapchat to designate favorite content. But, during Christmastime, the star becomes something more. It can be used as a symbol for the star at the top of a tree, to signify religious worship, and even as a symbol for the Star of Bethlehem. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year https://lnkd.in/eTgU9A4W • On request by email, from Paulhere70@gmail.com • Free personal development  course. ⦁ How to Short a link? When on home page or on any other subpage you will see our link shortener box. - yes, that’s the long, white box. Simply paste or type your long link and click “shorten”. Now you can copy your short link or shorten another link. All your links are available in “statistics” Note: also you can short from home page shorten box and using our tools. https://shrinkearn.com/st?api=35f5ae852f121b0767c53f8bbb8ce83c25a59fa9&url=https://paul-asn.blogspot.com/.com Social Plugins Comments Embedded Comments Embedded Posts Embedded Videos Group Plugin Like Button Page Plugin Save Button Share Button oEmbed oEmbed (Legacy) Child-Directed Sites FAQs Deprecated On This Page Share Button The Share button lets people add a personalized message to links before sharing on their timeline, in groups, or to their friends via a Facebook Message. Make sure you are transparent about your promotion and be honest about how you really feel about the offer. www.mynexusrewards.com/paul@amps ⦁ How to Short a link? When on home page or on any other subpage you will see our link shortener box. - yes, that’s the long, white box. Simply paste or type your long link and click “shorten”. Now you can copy your short link or shorten another link. All your links are available in “statistics” Note: also you can short from home page shorten box and using our tools. https://shrinkearn.com/st?api=35f5ae852f121b0767c53f8bbb8ce83c25a59fa9&url=https://paul-asn.blogspot.com/.com https://nonverbalcomms.blogspot.com/ https://yourgoldwatch.blogspot.com/search/label/health%20blogs Paul@amps https://greenbusinessgo.blogspot.com/2012/03/football-mad.html If your app is native to iOS or Android, we recommend that you use the native Share Dialog on iOS and Share Dialog on Android instead. If your website doesn't need a button to open share dialog or Facebook provided button doesn't fit into your website design, Web Share Dialog is also provided for sharing links. Note that you do not need to implement Facebook login or request any additional permissions through app review in order to use this plugin. Share Button Configurator Code Example Settings FAQs Step-by-Step 1. Choose URL or Page Pick the URL of a website or Facebook Page you want to share. 2. Code Configurator Paste the URL to the Code Configurator and adjust the layout of your share button. Click the Get Code button to generate your share button code. 3. Copy & Paste HTML snippet Copy and past the snippet into the HTML of the destination website. Share Button Configurator URL to share https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/ Layout button_count Button Size small Get Code Full Code Example Copy & paste the code example to your website. Adjust the value data-href to your website URL. Next use the og:*** meta tags to adjust your link preview. og:url and data-href should use the same URL. Your Website Title
Settings Setting HTML5 Attribute Description Default href data-href The absolute URL of the page that will be shared. XFBML and HTML5 versions default to the current URL. lazy data-lazy true means use the browser's lazy-loading mechanism by setting the loading="lazy" iframe attribute. The effect is that the browser does not render the plugin if it's not close to the viewport and might never be seen. Can be one of true or false (default). false layout data-layout Selects one of the different layouts that are available for the plugin. Can be one of box_count, button_count, button. icon_link mobile_iframe Deprecated data-mobile_iframe If set to true, the share button will open the share dialog in an iframe (instead of a popup) on top of your website on mobile. This option is only available for mobile, not desktop. For more information see Mobile Web Share Dialog. false size data-size The button is offered in 2 sizes i.e. large and small. small Related Topics Social Plugins FAQsShare DialogSharing for WebmastersFacebook SDK for JavaScript Products Artificial Intelligence AR/VR Business Tools Gaming Open Source Publishing Social Integrations Social Presence Programs Developer Circles F8 ThreatExchange Support Developer Support Bugs Platform Status Facebook for Developers Community Group Sitemap News Blog Success Stories Videos Meta for Developers Page Terms and Policies Platform Initiatives Hub Platform Terms Developer Policies European Commission Commitments Follow Us Follow us on FacebookFollow us on InstagramFollow us on TwitterFollow us on LinkedInFollow us on YouTube © 2022 Meta About Create Ad Careers Privacy Policy Cookies Terms English (US) English (US) Was this document helpful? YesYes, but...No Remove /storage/emulated/0/Documents/Document (17).docx Friday Newsletter LinkedIn Merry Christmas and Happy New Year What is NLP? Sign Up nlp-newsletter@purenlp.com /storage/emulated/0/Documents/Document (17).docx NlP Article, how to sell yourself - 16 Dec 2022. In:nlp, neuro-linguistic, bandler, sales training, persuasion, nootropics. - Do you know how to sell yourself? - How to get people to buy your idea? - How are you getting your message across? - Beliefs about sales?  - So,understand that your appearance sells, that your tone of voice sells, that your ideas sell . . . “I don't need to know how to sell, after all I don't work in sales." Is that true? • We all sell ourselves every day and many times! Some examples you might fit are: -When you ask someone for something, when defending a point of view. -When you have a concern about your image Or when you wonder what others may think of you. • All these examples, and many more, are about selling! • Conquering your space, whether in your personal or professional life, is very easy and accessible when you have at hand tactics, strategies for positioning verbal and non-verbal communication, perception, the understanding of how to make good decisions, empathy, and charisma itself, which favors us as a letter of invitation to more assertive social interactions. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ □ Beliefs about sales? • There are some stigmas around the word sales, as many people think that it can only be about buying and selling a product or service. • Also, some will have the limiting thought that sales are about someone taking advantage of someone else... Yes, all this we can hear in the corridors of life. • Unfortunately, this brings us a process of moving away from what is important to us: Influence and Persuasion in order to make our lives easier. • Well, the time has come to overthrow such thoughts, and above all, to reframe the way you perceive the word sales! • The first step is to consciously understand that your appearance sells, that your tone of voice sells, that your ideas sell, that when you seek to be included in a group you are in a sales process. • This point of view is quite interesting, as it can even make us remember those school times in which we would want to be accepted into small circles within our children's group, where we would have to show that we thought the same way as others and that we accepted someone as a leader. • Wow, that's exactly what happens in our lives today! • Well, all your choices show your profile and how people see you. • Here’s an intriguing question: • Have you noticed that you are more comfortable when you are around people you know, that is, people who think like you? • Again, you have been included in this group because you have shown that you know how to sell yourself. • Also, you have joined the group in order to complement your interests and theirs. • Self-knowledge is the key to the process Who are you? What do you do best? Do you know how to sell yourself? How do you want to be bought? • It sounds simple enough, but when you stop to think about your self-selling process, would you buy yourself? Exactly! • Are your attitudes, style, thoughts and choices congruent with your essence and lifestyle? • The truth is that there are so many questions that deserve a strategic pause in order to be able to open up your range of opportunities for change. • One of our great learnings as humans is the wisdom to learn from ourselves, as we evolve and decide what we want to be. • Maybe you don't know, but we are influenced every day, unconsciously, which makes us change our minds and decide towards what the critical mass wants to see. • This clearly shows in research and scientific surveys, where we can see how much we are bombarded with information and family influences that indoctrinate who we should be. • It is also clear that to be accepted, out of fear of judgment and other “little things”, we obviously tend to comply and follow the herd. • There is no magic, there is a journey that needs to be respected. • Self-knowledge is about looking inside you and starting to make the necessary changes so that your life becomes the one YOU have always wanted to have. • We strongly suggest a look at Neurolinguistic Programming - NLP, as it really is strategic in this process. • Generate top-notch connections When you want to sell your idea, you must get the person to believe in it as much as you do, and for that to happen you need to have a connection. • A well-established engagement with that person or group of people. • We are talking about a process called charisma, empathy and influence. • This process begins with perception, then it evolves into the search for similarity with the group and, with the observation of engagement, you move to the next level, which is to influence from your point of view. • It all sounds easy, but it certainly is for those who know how to build good Rapport. • How are you getting your message across? The way in which you get your message across, both verbally and non-verbally, directly influences the way you sell yourself. • Knowing where you want to go with the information you are providing, realizing how you will get the information across (channels), as well as using influential language are all things that will help you to build an assertive and efficient message. • Certainly, however, that is not all. The ability to use certain words and to know that preparation is more important than action, will bring in the icing on the cake that you need, but this is a profound subject and maybe we will talk about it in a future article. • Activate maximum perception. Therefore, when getting your spoken message across, watch your vocal predicates, tone of voice, speed, specificity, words. • If your communication involves engaging your body, watch your body language, such as posture, style, facial expressions and arm movement. • Bonus tip: Influence and Persuasion Influence and Persuasion, that is the Art of Success. You might not know this, but the World Economic Forum considers such soft skills to be essential in labor relations, and that every professional of the future must have developed them in order to stay in the job market, as well as to ascend to future positions. So, do you know how to sell yourself? ❄️ Monthly Profit Sharing Pool for active members https://fourseasonsmailer.com/?rid=186 Free Course in Personal Development Preliminary: ° Ed is the Key. ⊙ Take Effective Action. ⊙ Training & Development • Introduction to NLP NLP has been designed differently, and each program contains unique material regardless of skill level. The Seven NLP Principles; 1. People have all the resources they need. 2. Everybehaviour has a positive intention. 3. There is no failure, only feedback/Outcomes. 4. The meaning of the communication is the response it gets. 5. You cannot not communicate. 6. If what you 're doing isn't working do something different. 7. Choice is better than no choice. Apply for a free place by clicking a link ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Re; NLP 1, People have all the resources they need. Collecting information  you need. 1.Reading is a vital aspect of learning. 2.Be selective when choosing your reading materials.  4.keep a book or file of the text you are reading. 5. Collate for your BIBLIOGRAPHY.  6.Scan your material,look for key words relating to your subject  topic. USE YOUR TIME EFFECTIVELY  You should take notes as you read for meaning.  7. Note the title of the book,or text you are reading. 8. Note the authors, the year of publication, the publisher, note the page number, especially if you are quoting,or Paraphraseing the text in question.  9.Compulsory reading for your course. Ie.Core text.assesed on theories.  10. Other type of reading is related to the subject or authors.  Use a mind map to remember key points and theories.  Essay Assessment at University level.  Identify main points/issues from source material Present legible and well laid out work Spell and punctuate accurately Structure sentences cohesively Keep to the question Avoid irrelevance Separate information  into appropriate paragraphs Link paragraphs in a logical progression Use appropriate quotations clearly Provide a reference list. Other general  comments  Reading and Research  Thompson. N. (2002) . People Skills,  (2nd  Edition). Palgrave Macmillon,  Basingstoke. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ • On request by email, from Paulhere70@gmail.com • Free personal development course. • Prelims: ⊙ Complet All Tasks in NLP Order. • Introduction Aim;To develop your personal skills. Incentive: personal development for all. Reason Why: NLP has been designed differently, and each program contains unique material regardless of skill level. Visit hashtag, #Introduction to NLP ● Sessions: ● NLP 1. People have all the resources they need. ⊙Tasks to be completed. ○Task A. Collecting information  you need. 1.a, Reading is a vital aspect of learning. 2.b,Be selective when choosing your reading materials.  3.c, Question: • What is NLP? • Write a 600 word essay. ○Task B. • Study effectively, Free Course. https://www.getbettergradesnow.com/free-course.php 4. I enjoy working to improve myself. • Study effectively with this free course. • Task C. https://bestessay4u.com/how-to-write-a-sociology-essay ● NLP 2. Every behaviour has a positive intention. ⊙Tasks to be completed. • Problem Solving Skills • World Mental Health. #Anxiety,#Depression. πŸ‘https://200diseases.com/anxiety/?ref=16316 #mentalhealthrecovery ● NLP 3. There is no failure, only feedback/Outcomes. ⊙Tasks to be completed. • Identify main points/issues from source material • Present legible and well laid out work • Spell and punctuate accurately • Structure sentences cohesively • Keep to the question ● NLP 4. The meaning of the communication is the response it gets. ⊙Tasks to be completed. • WRITE AN ESSAY OF 600 WORDS. • THE QUESTION. • Explane Reflective Learning Practice. ● NLP 5. You cannot not communicate. ⊙Tasks to be completed. • Reading and Research  The following subject Matter; • Non-verbal Communication. • Negotiation Skills. • Interpersonal Skills. • Write three short articles on each topic. 2oo words each. ● NLP 6. If what you 're doing isn't working do something different. ⊙Tasks to be completed. Fast Track Business Development • Business minded? • A quick study? • Get the best results from your business, with the least effort πŸ‘Œ • Visit this link. https://779b7anjy-0kz2ekvfhw2lk8hk.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=BROKER ● NLP 7. Choice is better than no choice. ⊙ Small Business Improvement Tips https://www.exponentialprograms.com/internet/blog/small-business-improvement-tips/ ⊙ Tasks to be completed as and when you require. NLP has been designed differently, and each program contains unique material regardless of skill level. • So it is often useful to attend some programs that are actually "applications" of NLP, i.e. Persuasion Engineering®, Design Human Engineering®, or Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning®. It is also highly recommended to attend several NLP Practitioner and Master Prcitioner programs and get lots experience applying your skills prior to becoomg a Licensed NLP Trainer™. • There are wide variety of courses available including introduction courses, Design Human Engineering® courses, business and personal consulting, Personal Enhancement Courses, NLP as an application to Hypnosis, Sales courses, etc. • Apply for a free place by clicking a link https://training.tobyandkatemccartney.com/nlp-foundation-weekend-a ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ● Summary: The Reflective Learning Process Identify a situation you encountered in your work or personal life that you believe could have been dealt with more effectively. Describe the experience. What happened? When and where did the situation occur? Any other thoughts you have about the situation? Reflection. How did you behave? What thoughts did you have? How did it make you feel? Were there other factors that influenced the situation? What have you learned from the experience? Theorizing. How did the experience match with your preconceived ideas, i.e. was the outcome expected or unexpected? How does it relate to any formal theories that you know? What behaviours do you think might have changed the outcome? ExperimentationIs. Is there anything you could do or say now to change the outcome? What action(s) can you take to change similar reactions in the future? What behaviours might you try out? • Look forward; Apply for a free place by clicking a link https://training.tobyandkatemccartney.com/nlp-foundation-weekend-a • Reading and Research  Thompson. N. (2002) . People Skills,  (2nd  Edition). Palgrave Macmillon,  Basingstoke. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Promote your business here. http://www.desktoplightning.com/AMPS70 Educate yourself. This is the key, opening the door of opportunity. Study effectively https://www.getbettergradesnow.com/free-course.php I enjoy working to improve myself. Study effectively with this free course. https://www.getbettergradesnow.com/free-course.php https://your-we-base.ueniweb.com Collecting information  you need. 1.Reading is a vital aspect of learning. 2.Be selective when choosing your reading materials.  4.keep a book or file of the text you are reading. 5. Collate for your BIBLIOGRAPHY.  6.Scan your material,look for key words relating to your subject  topic. USE YOUR TIME EFFECTIVELY  You should take notes as you read for meaning.  7. Note the title of the book,or text you are reading. 8. Note the authors, the year of publication, the publisher, note the page number, especially if you are quoting,or Paraphraseing the text in question.  9.Compulsory reading for your course. Ie.Core text.assesed on theories.  10. Other type of reading is related to the subject or authors.  Use a mind map to remember key points and theories.  Essay Assessment at University level.  Identify main points/issues from source material Present legible and well laid out work Spell and punctuate accurately Structure sentences cohesively Keep to the question Avoid irrelevance Separate information  into appropriate paragraphs Link paragraphs in a logical progression Use appropriate quotations clearly Provide a reference list. Other general  comments  Reading and Research  Thompson. N. (2002) . People Skills,  (2nd  Edition). Palgrave Macmillon,  Basingstoke. Paulamps70@yahoo.com  Department  of Voluntary Sector  Studies Study Skills Handout Number 5. (Adapted from Thompson. 2002. pp.3-10) It’s also the common thread connecting effective affiliate marketers. https://worldprofitassociates.com/?id=5340126 Your - we - Base Brokerage. πŸ’― Fast Track Business Development Business minded? A quick study? Get the best results from your business, with the least effort πŸ‘Œ https://779b7anjy-0kz2ekvfhw2lk8hk.hop.clickbank.net/?tid=BROKER πŸ‘Œ https://www.sokule.com/lp1/Paul70 πŸ”₯Affiliate marketing programs are seeking opporators for new business opportunities. https://www.sokule.com/index.html Business Page Link -  https://www.sokule.com/postit/Paul70 Post to 1.5 billion people daily. Affiliate Link 1 - https://www.sokule.com/Paul70 πŸ‘‹Affiliate marketing is a very reliable online business which poses less risk compared to dropshipping business where you will have to spend more. Business Page Link - https://www.sokule.com/postit/Paul70 πŸ’― Paul70 P.S. http://www.free-marketing-tips.com/cgi-bin/fmt/classifieds.cgi Your - we - Base Brokerage. πŸ’― https://www.globuya.com/GB/Barrow-in-Furness/151258215509486/Yourwebase.com AMPS DISCLAIMER: My Affiliate  marketing business links.By purchasing through these links I may receive a commission for the sale.This has no effect on the price you pay. N.B. The Reflective Learning Process Identify a situation you encountered in your work or personal life that you believe could have been dealt with more effectively. Describe the experience. What happened? When and where did the situation occur? Any other thoughts you have about the situation? Reflection. How did you behave? What thoughts did you have? How did it make you feel? Were there other factors that influenced the situation? What have you learned from the experience? Theorizing. How did the experience match with your preconceived ideas, i.e. was the outcome expected or unexpected? How does it relate to any formal theories that you know? What behaviours do you think might have changed the outcome? ExperimentationIs. Is there anything you could do or say now to change the outcome? What action(s) can you take to change similar reactions in the future? What behaviours might you try out? https://www.beautynailhairsalons.com/XX/Unknown/1074887432630770/Raining-DATES https://www.facebook.com/groups/459534840819876/permalink/5121670454606268/?sfnsn=scwspmo&ref=share And constructive feedback welcome. Look Forward to seeing more related Blogs.

1 comment:

  1. Make sure you are transparent about your promotion and be honest about how you really feel about the offer.

    ⦁ How to Short a link?
    When on home page or on any other subpage you will see our link shortener box. - yes, that’s the long, white box. Simply paste or type your long link and click “shorten”. Now you can copy your short link or shorten another link. All your links are available in “statistics” Note: also you can short from home page shorten box and using our tools.



